At-Home Brightening Skincare Routine

At-Home Brightening Skincare Routine

At-Home Brightening Skincare Routine

There are two common desires I hear women say they are looking for in their skincare routine. One is Hydration, and the other is Brightening. Someone looking for a Brightening routine may have dull skin, acne, age spots, pigmentation, or may just want to sport a more glowing, bright complexion on a regular basis. Our new skincare collection, which hosts seven all natural, multi-purpose products, can be mix-and-matched to meet any major skin type or need. Using our Spa grade products, you can try this easy, at-home brightening routine below once or twice a week to achieve glowing skin. We’ve added the optional steps of dry brushing and toning for those intent on maintaining the dewiest possible glow. 


  1. Exfoliate with a dry brush (optional)- Before you wash, you may want to try using a facial dry brush (available HERE) to remove the top layer of dead skin. While this skin will also come off using our Walnut and Cacao Exfoliating Cleanser, I often dry brush first as the bristle friction on dry skin deepens the amount of skin that is able to shed and allows the next steps greater illumination with the majority of dead skin already removed. While dry brushing is good for our skin as an organ and leads to a super dewy glow, desired results can still be achieved by skipping this step and heading straight to an exfoliating cleanser. 
  2. Exfoliating cleanser- Contrary to many skincare creators, we only suggest using an exfoliating cleanser a couple times a week. Overall, we as consumers have been taught to overuse cleansers and it is wreaking havoc on our skin, making it dull, listless and prone to angry breakouts. You should never be using a cleanser more than once a day on the skin. Typically I will start my morning routine just rinsing my face with water. Evening is the best time to use a cleanser as it is when most of us are washing off makeup, dirt and other residues from the day. If you wear makeup, I suggest removing it with a creamy cleanser made for this sort of job (Try our Jasmine and Honey Creme Cleanser HERE) then exfoliating using our Walnut and Cacao Cleanser (find it HERE). If you don’t wear makeup, you can skip right to the Exfoliating Cleanser. Wet the skin and pump 1-3 pumps, depending on your desired amount, onto your fingers. Starting around the nose, gently move the fingers in a circular motion, moving down the cheeks, across the chin, up the side of the face and across the forehead and bridge of the nose. Rinse and pat dry. I like to repeat a loving, intentional mantra to my skin as I cleanse such as: “Thank you for gracing me with protection, beauty and love each day.” (Scientific studies show positive words and affirmations can affect the way we and others see ourselves as much as our self-care routines can.) This cleanser is one of my favorite Camille products because of the intention that went into making it. Powdered walnut shell is a natural, renewable resource that exfoliates much better than artificial exfoliant beads and doesn’t pollute the environment or create micro-tears in the skin. Paired with our light, sulfate free cleansing agent and raw cacao powder to deeply cleanse the pores, this makes an unstoppable duo that will outperform any quality or price of cleanser on the market. Did I mention how amazing it smells?? Like a chocolatey dessert, but without any artificial fragrance!
  3. Tone (optional)- If you love using toners, try our Rosewater Lemon Hydrating and Toning Mist. One of our skincare best-sellers, you can find a link to a blog article about this product HERE
  4. Mask- Unlike many masks that are formulated to do one thing well, our Pumpkin and Turmeric Mask is an incredible example of both a peel and mask in one. This means that Alpha-Hydroxy acids and capsicum stem cell extracts peel any final dead skin off and promote cellular turnover, while Pumpkin powder and other deeply moisturizing oils kickstart skin hydration. Using your finger or a mask brush, coat the entirety of the face with a light layer of the mask. I like mine to be dense enough that my skin is covered in the full intensity of the color of the mask, but light enough that it doesn’t drip or make a mess. Leave on for 2-10 minutes depending on the sensation and intuition of your skin. There are days my skin wants to be drenched in this mask for a long time, and other times when it feels sensitive and I feel the immediate need to wash it off after just a couple minutes. As this skin has many intense natural active ingredients in it, you will likely feel an intense heating or cooling sensation for the time is stays on and immediately after washing it off. Because of this, we also recommend only using this mask at night. 
  5. Moisturize- After washing off all remnants of the pumpkin mask, moisturize using our Brightening Creme or Restoration Oil depending on your skin and which style of product you prefer. In formulation for four years, our Lipoic Acid and Citrus Brightening Creme (check it out HERE) is one of the few face creams I truly believe can bring results to those who use it. It is made with Citrus Stem Cells and Citrus Essential Oils, both promoting the continuation of cell turnover throughout the night and the brightening of age spots and pigmentation. Everyone who uses it seems to be obsessed with this Creme, and it feels good to create something that offers such profound results to those who rely on it. As a personal preference, I prefer oils to creams and therefore use our Sweet Orange and Jojoba Restoration Oil. To learn more about this product (it’s one of our best-sellers and my personal favorite!), click on a previous post dedicated to it HERE or find it online HERE. The primary difference between a cream and oil is how it is made, and therefore how it delivers nutrients to the skin. Oil sits on top of the skin, making it feel soft, clean and radiant. Creams are often natural or synthetic oils cut with water and emulsified, so they penetrate deeper into the skin and deliver a strong feeling of richness and softening sensation. There is no right or wrong, only preference; both products contain Citrus Essential Oils and Cold-pressed, all Natural Carrier oils that will deliver natural Vitamins to the skin and benefit your skin’s hydration, elasticity and appearance. 


We hope you enjoy this tutorial on proper skincare, and feel free to email us with your questions or ideas at While we actively believe in and promote our own products on this blog, this information is universal and may be used in association with other skincare products or homemade remedies. 


To your most naturally radiant skin,

Roshan Jihan

VP & Head of Product Development, Camille Beckman

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