Delivery Information


Camille Beckman offers:

Free Shipping for all US Mainland orders over $75 after discounts are applied.

Flat Rate Shipping $8.95 on all US Mainland orders.

Please contact us for International Shipping processing at or (800) 433.0060 if you have any questions. 

Your order will be hand-packed within one business day and shipped via USPS or UPS. Within the US, orders from Camille Beckman usually arrive within 2-5 business days**. If you have not received your order within 10 days, please check your tracking number & contact the local shipper first.  If there is still an issue please email us at or call us at 1(800) 433-0060.

 - We do our best to verify all shipping addresses through the USPS.  We will try to contact you for the correct shipping information.  Ultimately, the customer is responsible for shipping information.  If packages are returned, order will be cancelled minus actual shipping charges. -

* Most mail goes Priority Shipping USPS.  Large packages sometimes have to go ground shipping and then will either be USPS or UPS. 

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