What inspires a company to provide excellence: the DNA of Camille Beckman's company culture - Camille Beckman

What inspires a company to provide excellence: the DNA of Camille Beckman's company culture

What inspires a company to provide excellence: the DNA of Camille Beckman's company culture

They say there is a DNA in every company, a golden string that carries a company, or any band of beings together.  At Camille Beckman, we are a company of people who ALWAYS do our best, and desire the growth of all things we value. 


It took me a long time to see what it was that brings certain types of people to this company, but it wasn’t until I dug into my own insecurities and started being aware of others that I figured out our common desire.  It doesn’t matter what department or individual you speak of, the moral fiber we all subscribe to here is the idea of doing our best. At the heart of our brand is a group of people who work hard.  Based on our values and vision, this translates into a mutual desire amongst all of us to offer a product and service that is truly beneficial to the customer; built with creativity, integrity and commitment.


This can be a challenge. Everyone has their own idea of what it means to do their best, and each department has their own set of daily tasks and long term commitments. To name a few: 


For our office team that means applying themselves to answering calls, making calls, working with reps, shipping retail orders and so much more. To be concise and caring with a customer, finding solutions even when it feels there are none. 


For accounting, it means making sure every bill is paid on time while keeping every department in sync, as many arms of the company operate at the same time.  It means the nuanced ability to collect money while also nurturing relationships, and holding our own company accountable to our commitments. It means making the decisions that are best for our company's longevity, with a meticulous eye on the bottom line, and a diligent watch over operations to optimize performance. 


For production, it means making every batch of product to perfection, packaging the products, adding the special touches and packing them to go out all over the country. It means sourcing, and developing relationships with farms and companies that hold similar values, a task that can be difficult at times in an increasingly complex world. It entails research, development and innovation on a weekly basis. 


For our marketing team, it means making new content daily that shares the beauty and story of our world, while finding new and innovative ways to help and provide value to our customers. It also means supplying sales and merchandising materials, designing catalogs and websites with every little detail in place, and designing packaging; It means aligning a wide breadth of creative energy with the needs of a company brand to fulfill a distinct yet sometimes longsighted purpose. 


For leadership, it means staying present in the midst of challenge or success alike.  It means researching and developing new products, guiding every full project piece by piece to completion, paying the bills, filing all the paperwork, helping every person on the team with their individual challenges, and being able to turn yourself on at any moment of any day to deliver the message that needs to be delivered or solve any challenge that arises. 


If you come into our factory, you will notice everyone does their work their own way. Some people apply themselves tediously moment to moment.  Some people wait until the pressure is on, giving something all they’ve got in a very short period of time. Both require people who desire a deep state of flow in their work. Some can determine next steps, some need direction to get started.  We may be very different in our processes, but everyone here loves to produce a product that goes beyond their expectations. 


I know this to be our company’s DNA because if someone doesn’t operate on that ‘program’, they rarely last more than a month or two.  Our team is built on a foundation of people who strive to excel within their part of the puzzle. 


I am grateful to be a part of this company and grateful to share my realizations on what brings us as humans together. 


Chief Executive Officer & Head of Product Development,

Roshan Jihan Roghani 


  • I discovered Camille Beckman years ago with a sample of the hand-cream at a Hallmark store. And then in the summer or 2019 I was fortunate to be able to visit the factory in person and loved it! I am a CB “ambassador”sharing with all my friends, and a loyal customer. Thank you for all you do, and how you do it with such integrity.

    Gina Boyle on

  • I discovered Camille Beckman years ago with a sample of the hand-cream at a Hallmark store. And then in the summer or 2019 I was fortunate to be able to visit the factory in person and loved it! I am a CB “ambassador”sharing with all my friends, and a loyal customer. Thank you for all you do, and how you do it with such integrity.

    Gina Boyle on

  • I miss buying your hand creme as it is one of the best on my heels and hands, but I no longer buy your product for myself or my friends as I am hoping you will begin to use biodegradeable containers/plastic free products! Take a stand and stop all of the plastic trash! Please go on line and watch some videos to make you aware of just how great the problem is! Thank you,
    Kate Jewett

    Kate on

  • Camille Beckman, a highly professional company, yet keeping things on a personal level. They’re always there for you and the products are amazing!

    Jean H. on

  • The continuing story of the Camille Beckman brand and world is a dependably romantic one; not romance exclusively regarding human relationships but of a poetic relationship with nature and spaces and how the importance of beautiful spaces and presentation is sometimes underestimated in its healing powers for weary souls.

    I like that the Camille Beckman world is a world I can return to whenever I want — need! — to, a tranquil place of flowers, stony pathed garden contemplations and a dreamy attitude that is most at home in the marble halls of your event facility, a legacy of a romance between founder and husband and bond between Mother and daughter now being carried into the next generation.

    The story of beauty matters to people. Nostalgia informs us of who we are and what we connect with over a lifetime. And it can be a refuge in difficult times, a place to return to when a heart needs a beautiful, “secret” garden on demand.

    Don’t ever change, Camille Beckman! Keep your eye on the lilacs, roses and soul balm, even in the difficult times and it will come out serving you well when you least expect it.

    Angela on

  • This was a great find! Really happy to stumble across your blog! Thank you for making them shareable!

    Sophie Welch on

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